Engineering Portfolio

Here are some of the things i've built.

Portion Control Salt Dispenser

Designed and constructed a salt shaker which provides portion control for salt intake. Many people struggle with elevated blood pressure, and other health issues due to high sodium intake. This is designed for them.

CAD Coming Soon!

Monte Carlo Pi (2018)

Simple MATLAB script to approximate the value of pi using the Monte Carlo (statistical randomness) method. Generates random points on a grid, plots the equation of a circle and uses the proportion of points in/out of circle to generate approximations of pi. Runs 20,000 points per trial, and averages the calculated value over 1000 trials/iterations. Provides statistics on the result; on average, estimate is accurate to 4 decimal points.

Pixel Maze Solver (2017)

A maze solving program that solves mazes. Uses a one-pass algorithm to analyze the maze and convert to a node tree, then uses a hybrid Djikstra's algorithm with depth-first ordering to solve. Draws a blue path from start to finish. Inspired by Computerphile on YouTube; code available on GitHub.

Energy Generation Exhibit (2016)

Academic project for GE1501-2 (Double Cornerstone) at Northeastern University. An exhibit to educate local middle and elementary students about wind turbine design, featuring MATLAB real-time data collection, touch interface, and interactive displays with live turbine speed readout. Powered by RedBoard Arduino-compatible microcontroller and SparkFun electronics components.

GridMonkey (2015)

A sudoku solving utility built using the Qt framework. Once a grid is input, the software uses deductive reasoning to limit the options for each blank square, these uses a backtracking-brute force algorithm to solve the remaining blanks. Each state is re-evaluated for deductive steps. Using these optimizations, most puzzles are solvable within 0.01s. Code available on GitHub; inspired by Peter Norvig